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What Is The Foundation and Its Types:

Foundation is the bottom portion of a structure, which transmits the weight into the assisting soil. The main cause of basis is to distribute the whole weight of the superstructure over a big region of soil.

In this lecture we will talk about sorts of foundation, there are two types of foundation, and the first one is shallow foundations the second one is deep foundations.
let's talk about the factor affect the choice of a foundation there are primary factor and secondary factor the bible factor effect the choice of foundation are subsurface oil under gird water conditions suit actual requirements clothing foundation loads building configurations and depth. Second a factor that may be important include concession method critic access and working space environmental, factor including noise traffic and spousal of earth and water building codes and regulations time available for cross section construction risks.

So now we are speaking about shallow foundation,

  1. Shallow foundation: 

Shallow foundations are those that transfer the load to the earth of the base of the color of all of the subset structure. so shallow foundation transferred the load of the column or the wall at the base of sub structure shallow foundation types

Example of shallow foundations is,


Types Of Footing:
  • Columns Footing
  • Strip Footing
  • Mat Foundation
  • Combined Footing
Now we will talk about when we use average type of a shallow foundation.

The first type is,

     i. Column Footing:

It's simple and most economical an oscillating folding is used to support a single column, we use column footing when columns are not too close this base notes on footing are less and the safe bearing capacity of soil is generally high. So it support the load coming the phone column attached spirit to the base or the soil beneath the footing there are three main types of column footing the first one is, Spread Footing the second while Stepped footing and the third one is Sloped Footing.

Column footing, column in construction
Column Footing

     ii. Strip Or Wall Footing

Strip footings are typically observed in load bearing masonry construction, and act as long strip does guide the burden of an whole wall, strip footing is also furnished for a row of columns which is probably so cautiously spaced that their spread footings overlap or almost contact each In this kind of case, it's miles extra reasonable to provide a strip footing then to offer some spread footings in a single line. This type of Seville strip footing support them not coming from masonry or concrete wall transferred to the soil. 

strip footing, wall or strip footing in construction
Strip Footing

     iii. Combined footing:

When the two columns are so carefully every other that they may be individual footings might overlap. This is the first motive we use mixture for the second cause. A blended footing is also furnished while the assets line is so near one column that a spread footings could be eccentrically loaded when kept totally earlier in the property. By combining it with that of an indoors column, the Load is lightly distributed.

combined footing, combined footing in construction

    iv. Raft Foundation Or Mat Foundation:
This one is raft foundation, we use raft foundation when the allowable bearing capacity of soil is low in relation to the weight of building and column footings may become large enough that it's extra reasonably priced to merge them into a single mat that supports the whole building.

raft-foundation, raft footing
Raft Foundation

So we use it when the incapacity is low and it's more economical to merge all the combined order column footings.

    2. Deep Foundation:

The Deep foundation penetrate through little upper layer of incompetent soil in order to transfer the load to switch the load to competent bearing soil or rocks deeper inside the earth.

Example of deep foundation is,

  • Caissons
  • Piles

    i. Caissons
What is causing? It is just like column footing in that it spreads the load from a column over a massive sufficient area of soil that allowable stress within the soil isn't always exceeded. It differs from a Column footing in that it extends through strata of unsatisfactory soil below a substructure of Building till it reaches a more appropriate stratum.

The-caisson, caisson in construction

So this is the case if it penetrated through the stratum of soil until treat suitable stratum and there are two types of cases first one normal caisson and the second one named socketed caisson. 

    Caisson Construction:
So how we construct caisson? A constructed by way of the drilling or hand-digging a hollow, belling (flaring) the hollow out at the lowest as essential to reap the desired bearing area, and filling the hollow with concrete. Large auger drills are used for drilling caisson; hand excavation is used only if the soil is too full of Boulders for the drill. 

    Socketed Caisson:
A socketed caisson is drill into rock at the bottom rather than belled. Its bearing ability comes not only from its give up bearing, however from the frictional forces between the edges of the caisson and the rock as well.

    ii. Piles:

Now we will talk about piles, piles are distinguished from caisson by being forcibly driven into the earth rather than that drilled and poured.

It may be used in which non-cohesive soil, subsurface water condition, or immoderate intensity of bearing Strata make caissons impractical.

Piles-in-construction, piles drilled

Types Of Piles

There are two types of piles that drilled in the soil,
What is the difference between end bearing pile and friction pile,

End Bearing Pile

Friction Pile
·       Its tip encounters organization resistance from an appropriate bearing stratum including rock, dense sand or gravels.

·       It is driven simplest into softer material, without encountering a firm bearing layer, It may additionally still broaden a sizeable load-wearing via frictional resistance between the edges of the pile and the soil through which it.

  • Pile Driven Procedure:
We use pile hammers.  Pile hammer is a large weight lifted by energy of steam, compressed air, compressed hydraulic fluid or a diesel explosion

So we use this pile hammer to drive pile into the soil. In certain type of soil, pile can be driven more efficiently by vibration than by hammer blows alone, using a vibratory hammer mechanism.

Piles-driven-procedure, piles drilling techniques
Piles Driven Procedure

  • Piles Materials

There are three main types of piles according to their materials:

Wood Piles

Steel H Piles and Pipe Piles:
Third one is America's concluded by as you see in the mixture this one is H piles this one is a steel pipe pile this one is,

Precast Concrete Pile:

piles-materials, piles drilling materials
Piles Materials

Encourage you guys to buy this book from Amazon foundation design principle and practices that Edition by Donald Cody - and William Kitsch the Link  (I will give you soon)

 also guys I find it helpful and make a comment if you have any question I will be glad to help you.

What Is The Foundation and Its Types: What Is The Foundation and Its Types: Reviewed by Engineering Consultant on March 25, 2020 Rating: 5

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